Coffee is a superfood and it is metabolically supportive. Yet coffee, caffine and the jitters have recieved such a bad rep.... why?
Yes, caffeine is a natural stimulant ~ but contrary to popular belief ~ that is not a bad thing! It is actually the trait that makes it one of the most metabolically supportive foods.... But that all depends on how you drink it.

Because coffee is a stimulant, your body needs the right fuel to digest it smoothly. If you are someone who gets the jitters after a coffee, it’s likely that you’re not supporting your body to digest the stimulant. Caddine is like the accelerator in a car. You can't slam down on the accelerator without giving the engine the fuel to GO.... straight up caffeine is like expecting your body to GO without fuelling it first.
This means a coffee after a meal or ‘as’ a meal is the best way to drink it. What does it take to make it a ‘meal’? It simply needs to include every macro nutrient ~ protein, fat and glucose.
The way I make my morning coffee is by adding collagen, MCT oil and coconut sugar or raw honey. By pairing your coffee with these nutrients helps your body be able to absorb the caffeine and distribute it efficiently through your metabolism. Yes, it speeds things up, but paired with the right support, it speeds up the right things. Your metabolism, cognitive function etc.
If you’re still not convinced that coffee can support your body, here’s some other reasons why coffee is better for you than you thought…
Coffee is a powerful antioxidant earning that it fights against free radicals in the body by increasing antioxidants in the blood stream.
Coffee supports the liver by increasing circulation. Probably due to the stimulant nature, coffee increases circulation in the blood which in turn stimulates the liver which is one of the most important organs for hormonal health and stimulation.
Coffee, taken in reasonable doses and at reasonable times during the day can be very supportive to the body as well as. understandably, improving physical performance. However, if we’re njoying our coffee under careful supervision, it can contribute to conditions like adrenal fatigue because it can stimulate the body towards a point of burnout.
In the end, coffee can be a powerful fuel source that can support your physical and mental goals, but if taken irresponsibly can negatively affect the body ~ it’s your choice!
If you're ready to add this nutrient dense, high energy and delicious drink to your morning routine, all you need to do is whip one scoop of collagen and one teaspoon of both MCT or coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of coconut sugar to a dash of dairy milk before pouring into your freshly brewed coffee.
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