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"For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks."  

(Luke 6vs45)

Ballet Dancer in a tutu and pointe shoes performing an arabesque

Out of the Overflow is the life that pours out from within.


Living out of the overflow is living out your faith through your life.


It's ministering love through all you say and do.


It's living holy when the world around you is hostile.


It's living in abundance and goodness and beauty when it looks like darkness all around. 


Out of the Overflow is a life that follows Jesus, invests in His Kingdom and seeks His presence in every moment of this life.






This space has been created to share Jesus through the arts. The beauty of visual art, performance and story-telling is that it immerses the heart. We know the stories, we've read them all our lives, yet it's rarely until we experience the reality of the life that Jesus lived for us that we fully grasp the depth of the abundant life He died to offer us. 


More than words in a book, the Gospel is breath in our lungs.


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