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Where are you looking?

Updated: Aug 5, 2022

I want to ask you today, where does your confidence lie?

Are you looking around you to determine what you should be doing?

Are you listening to what is being said around you to determine what you should be saying?

Are you watching what the world is doing to decide what your next step will be?

Where are you focused?

When we let our eyes shift anywhere away from Jesus, our confidence falls from Him and onto where we're looking. Letting our confidence fall from the heavens to what we see on the earth is the first step to a downwards spiral.


Because we weren't made to reflect the earth but to reflect Jesus. And if we're not ficused on Him, what He's saying and what He's doing... we won't be able to do this.

Faith is having the confidence in the things above, it's putting aside what you see around you and picking up the things of Heaven.

(Hebrews 11vs1 NIV)

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

I'm sharing this because I've seen how easy it is in my own life to let my guard down, to look around me, to feel judgement and comparison and try fight this in my own strength....

...but I am not made to fight this kind of battle alone. And when I have forgotten to keep my eyes on the things above, I loose the strength for this battle.

If faith is the confidence of what I hope for and my hope is in Jesus, then my confidence must stay in JESUS!

We weren't made to do this alone or in our own strength and the more that we do, the more exhausted we're going to get. You've heard that what begins in the flesh has to be maintained in the flesh and what is birthed in the Spirit is held by the Spirit.

You weren't made to do it in your own strength

(Matthew 11vs28~30 NIV)

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Fixing your eyes on Jesus and not getting distracted by the things of this world is where our confidence builds. He is our strength and He is our song. Our battles aren't fought the way the world fights, but on our knees in surrender.

Where are you looking? Are you exhausted from trying in your own strength? Maybe it's time to look up again because everything you need is in the person of Jesus.

He is the one who gives rest, He is the one who holds freedom, and even though you can't see Him, you must keep your Hope in Him!

~ X ~

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