We all have those moments. The ones where we want to sit in our complaint as we think that the Lord has left us.
Even the Psalmist did. THe amount of times that the Psalmist began with complaint.
But he never ever ended there.
We have to be real about how we feel and what we face. But we can NEVER let that determine our persepective of ourselves, our lives or of our God.
We have to pick p our thanksgiving and praise to put whatever we face into perspective. We can't sit in what we see, we have to remember that God is God over it all ~ all the time.
- Read Psalm 22
In the New Living Translation if you can.
- Devotional Thought
If Jesus based His perspective of the Kingdom of God in what He experienced ~ He would've run away from the cross. He would've chosen another way. But the thing is that what He was set to endure was not a reflection of the Kingdom, is was a route to the Kingdom. He knew the joy of what was awaiting Him becasue He knew the heart of the Father.
We can never let our experience determine our God. What we face is never a reflection of who He is or what He can do. We have to rise above our circumstance and claim who our Father is ~ the Father over it all.
I find that the best way to do this is out of a deep gratitude for the life we see before us ~ today. Say thank you again and again and again. It never gets old!
- Passage to focus on
"I will praise you in the great assembly.
I will fulfill my vows in the presence of those who worship you.
The poor will eat and be satisfied.
All who seek the Lord will praise him.
Their hearts will rejoice with everlasting joy.
The whole earth will acknowledge the Lord and return to him.
All the families of the nations will bow down before him.
For royal power belongs to the Lord.
He rules all the nations."
Psalm 22 vs25~28 NLT
- Image for today
When I think of everlasting joy ~ I think of flowers. Flowers who cannot store away and save up but flowers that have to rely on their heavenly Father for what they need in that very day.
- Prayer
Father God,
We know that you are our Heavenly Father who truly is above it all. Yet we often look around us at what we are facing and doubt you. Help us to take a hold of our gratitude for you and all you have done today and to remind ourselves again that you are good and you are God!
- Active idea
Go outside for 10 minutes today. Set your timer and then put away all distractions. For 10 mintures, just be outside in the nature God has made and think on your breathing. Breathe in and out. With each inhale and exhale, thank God for something in your life ~ big and small!
Thank you for joining me today! Hope to see you again soon!
Have a blessed Lent
~ X ~