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The First Sunday of Lent

Updated: Feb 15, 2024

What has God called you to?

Do you believe that He has created you for a purpose on this earth that only you can fulfil? Do you believe that He wants to talk to you and that He can talk to you?

Today's scripture looks at the call on Jeremiah's life. We all know the popular verse 'For I know the plans I have for you' but very little do we emphasise that Jeremiah was just like Moses and Timothy! When God called Him, he responded with the excusethat he was too young and didn't know how to speak!

How are you disqualifying yourself from the call of God on your life? Have you been placing your earthly limits over what the Lord can equip you to?

- Read Jeremiah 1

I like the NIV translation most, but you can read any translation you prefer.

- Devotional Thought

Before the world was created, you were known and you were set apart.

Do you believe that?

I often wonder how much more of the supernatural we would see in our lives if we truly (and I mean truly) believed that the God who created the universe knows you, loves you and has great plans for your life.

Not plans that are of a fleshly desire, the things we see the world striving for. But plans that will use the people of the Kingdom to reveal the beauty of the Lord and a life of salvation to those around them.

God spoke to Jeremiah and asked Him to speak what He saw. Jeremiah needed to watch and trust that the Lord was speaking and to have faith in what he saw.

We see that Jeremiah was going to overcome those against him (and his nation) but not in His own strength. God was using the conversation in chapter 1 to reveal that the only way this would happen would be in partnership with Him!

And this has left me wondering... where in your life is God wanting to partner with you? How is he wanting to speak to you about how He will use your life to open the door to the Kingdom to others? To share the hope and the wonder of salvation life?

- Passage to focus on 

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

“Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.”

But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.

Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”

Jeremiah 1vs5~10 NIV

In this chapter, there are some bold commands with some very bold consequences. And as we prepare to stand up and proclaim what the Lord is saying, I've seen something interesting...

When Jeremiah was appointed over the nations by God, it was to build up and plant. But that begins with tearing down, destroying and overthrowing. That's some ruthless doing!

But I feel that this is a bit like we saw yesterday... We can translate this into our own lives... Where is God leading you to tear down and to demolish in your own life so that there is space for Him to work!

Whether that be in a habit or thought pattern, a place of idolatry, a negative relationship or a lingering stronghold... Do not be afraid of it or it will continue to rival your freedom. God has appointed you over these things to uproot and destroy the bad and to plant the seeds of the Kingdom.

It begins with faith. You've got to believe that He has appointed you over these places in your life and then to walk in the strength and guidance that comes from Him alone.

- Image for today 

The more I share these little images, the more I am reminded and wish to remind everyone else, I am by no means an artist! But I sure do my best!

When I think about what it must've been like for Jeremiah to walk in the calling that God had placed on His life, I think of the scene in the Lion King where little Simba opens his mouth to roar and a little squeak comes out. Embarrassed, he tries again and this time a thunderous ROAR is heard and the hyeenas flea.

Little did baby Simba know that the sounds didn't come from him but from his dad, who was standing strong and solid right there watching over Simba.

Simba's enemies didn't run away because of Simba, but because of His father who was in position to protect Simba.

Our enemies, difficulties and trials aren't overcome by us and what we can do, but by the power of the great God that we walk with!

- Prayer 

Father God,

We thank you again and again that we are not living out of our own strength but that in everything we do, you are right there with us. You guide and equip us, you lead and direct us, you are FOR us.

Thank you that we can read about the life of Jeremiah and the great call you had over his life and apply the same hope in our own life. Thank you that we can declare our position as children of YOUR kingdom and subsequently walk out to face what lies before us with boldness, knowing that you are before and behind aand beside us.

Help us to remember that it is not by our weak squeak of a roar that we overcome, but by your outrageously bold and indestructable ROAR!

- Active idea

Watch this clip from the Lion king. And then think about your own life. Where are the places that you have shied away from because you have been disappointed by your own ability? Where can you stand taller in faith that your Father God is right there with you, giving you the ability to overcome?

Thank you for joining me today! Hope to see you again soon!

Have a blessed Lent

~ X ~

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