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Second Sunday of Lent

Updated: Feb 16, 2024

​In this world you will face trouble...

But take heart for I have overcome the world.

Today we read again about the everlasting work of our father to come in and lift us out. An everlasting cycle of redemption. We read that if the heavens and the earth could be counted, He would cast the Israelites away... But the thing is that the heavens and the earth cannot be counted, they will never be able to be measured in their massive expanse... So he continually works to bring them back to Him.

The one who created the heavens and the earth sees you, wants you and has plans to bring you back to Him.

- Read Jeremiah 31

I like this chapter best in the Amplified Bible, but as always, you can use any version you want to.

- Devotional Thought

​Our God is constant rebuilding, renewing, returning, reuniting. He has drawn us with an everlasting love and unmeasurable kindness, because that's just who He is!

Our world sees an intimidating, scary and disciplinary God. But we know a kind, loving and caring father who longs for us. When I read about tambourines and dancing, I think of celebration! But the thing is that we rarely celebrate enough! We rarely recognise the absolute hoy of having the knowledge that we have been saved and redeemed and what GOOD news that is!

Our God knows we will still go through our day and still fall short often! But His plan is still in place to rescue and to redeem. He created the world with love and out of love, each law and sacrificial offering was put in place to keep the ones He loves walking along the right paths and walking with the right intention. He has drawn us to Himself and in our weakness, we find His mercy keeping us along the path He set out for us. And in an ongoing story, he is continually drawing us with loving kindness to redeem our constantly broken souls.

It’s not a hopeful message for one-day-when all the tears and sorrow have washed away, but a reality to take hold of right now.

- Passage to focus on 

“The Lord appeared to me (Israel) from ages past, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you. Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt, O Virgin Israel! You will again be adorned with your tambourines and timbrels And go out to the dances of those who celebrate.”

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭31‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭AMP‬‬

What He began in Love, He has continued in Love. Love has never been outside of His story!

- Image for today 

Tambourines can’t be used in a somber, sad tone. They are only ever upbeat, joyful and celebratory. This image of a tambourine is to remind us to take hold of the joy right now, and to claim the everlasting joy of the Lord even if times are hard.

- Prayer 


Over and over again we read about your gracious love that stooped down to rescue us from an ongoing struggle with our flesh. But we know that full restoration will come, and that in fact it has come through the mighty work of Jesus on the cross. We want to take hold of your everlasting love and everlasting joy today and forsake the sorrow that we do often find our lives immersed in on this side of heaven.

Thank you for your goodness, thank you promise good things to us.

We keep our eyes on you.

- Active idea

​Write a gratitude list today. Take a moment to be thankful for all of the big and little things you find your life blessed with right now, today!

Thank you for joining me today! Hope to see you again soon!

Have a blessed Lent

~ X ~

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