The source of light
The source of life
London had a huge heatwave recently and I felt so disappointed about the reactions of people! In a country of ever wet, cold and dark winters for many months of the year when the days are short and temperatures are low…. How could we become so unappreciative of the beautiful gift of ongoing sunshine!
Ok yes, the heat was at times a little too much ~ especially for those in a city ~ but why complain and become so distressed over something that you literally cannot control!
It reminded me of how quick we can be to finding the fault in something before we look at the blessing! All the scorching temperatures aside, why can’t we rather remember the source of life we have in the sun!
The sun rising in the morning and setting in the evening is the most constant reminder of God’s faithfulness (and His presence). He never fails to orchestrate this daily provision despite the season.
And even then the sun goes to show how even when darker seasons come, the sun is still there! Just because cloud or rain or snow may fall…. The sun doesn’t let it’s faithfulness drop it’s guard… in every season, it’s always there…. Whether you feel the heat or not, it’s always there!
Always reflecting the ever present, omniscient Son of God.
Jesus, always there and always working in us. Sometimes with tangible presence, other times with gentle whispers, sometimes in the high of the mountaintop, other times in the low of the darkest valley.
But He’s always there.
Jesus Christ the Son is reflected in all of God’s wonderful creation.
He was before all things and in Him all was made.
If you begin celebrating the joys of life, become thankful of the gorgeous details of nature, celebrate the blessing of each new day and honour the gift of life with every sunrise.
Jesus didn’t have to come, but He did.
He didn’t haven’t to wipe away your sins, but He did.
He didn’t have to rescue your soul for all eternity, but He did.
He did because He loves you, He did because you matter and you have a role to play in all of this.
So step into today with thankfulness, with joy in your step, with a light in your heart and step into a new chance to live in the freedom of knowing that no matter what comes your way, Jesus has your life in the palm of His hand.
Stop complaining and start living!
(Colossians 1vs15~17 NIV)
“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
~ X ~