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I Believe

Still inspired by the Life of Christ production held at WIntershall Estate last week, I have been reminiscing about what it means to believe in the story of Jesus.

The Gospel is more than a story, it's more than a standard decision to go to church on a Sunday.

The Gospel is more than being a 'good' person, it's more than going to heaven after death.

The Gospel is the complete story of Jesus, an undeniable truth that changes lives.

Without the transformational, revolutionary, counter-cultural work of Jesus, life would be very bleak.

We would still be living as slaves to fear.

We would be weighed down by the burden of shame and guilt.

We would be weak to the lure of sin

We would be falling in darkness.

In fact, most people today are living in that very way, unaware of the wonderful exchange of earthly struggle for heavenly peace.

The story of Jesus coming to earth is proof enough that there is a better way to live. He fulfilled thousands upon thousands of prophecies - many that would've been impossible to fulfil were He not sent from the God - and the works of His life counteracted the war torn world He walked through.

The things He held close to His heart. were the things the Father holds close to His heart and are the very things that contradict the earthly treasures that kings and kingdoms strive for.

You see the story of Jesus is far simpler than society wants you to believe, yet it will change your heart around if you just give him a chance.

The story of Jesus is a transforming work of Love, Joy and Peace.

It's a story the changes the way you live your life.

You see, since the fall (back in the Garden of Eden), we have a skewed perspective of what a life in an alignment with Jesus is. We've been led to think we need to work harder, earn more, have more, be more.... But that's not what the Christian life is!

The Christian life is a heart surrendered to Jesus.

A heart surrendered to the one who created you.

And when the transfer takes place, you are free from the labels the world had placed on you.

It doesn't mean that struggles melt away or pain disappears.

It doesn't mean that you know exactly what your future holds.

It doesn't mean that you are suddenly financially secure.

It doesn't mean that the job you want comes to you.

It doesn't mean that those who hurt you are suddenly your best friends....

It means that your heart is changed. And even when your circumstances don't improve literally, your outlook on life changes completely, and you can live on ~ in Peace.

When you heart changes, this is what happens.

When things come against you to hurt you, you pour out love.

When disheartening experiences unfold, you pour out joy.

When the world turns to fighting, you pour out peace.

When you are pressured for immediate action, you pour out patience.

When you are martyred, you pour out kindness.

When a series of hardships falls on you, you pour out goodness.

When others let you down, you pour out faithfulness.

When strife and anger come against you, you pour out gentleness.

When temptation comes to take over, you pour out self control.

(Galatians 5vs22~25 NIV)

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit."

When your heart changes, you give up the struggle for control and you step forward in the grace of Jesus.

You surrender to following what you thought was best and you pick up your cross to live the way Jesus lived.

In Love to one another

With Hope for the future

Covered by faith of the one above it all

Believing in the story of Jesus is a wonderful exchange of the old darkness for a bright, new and clean path. It's a transformational inner work that shifts your perspective and your purpose. It flips your reactions and your intentions and it fills you with a strength to live in accordance to the story of Jesus for the rest of your life.

In everything you do, you begin to live out in a worshipful thanks for what He did first.

That's why believing in the Story of Jesus is the ultimate first step, because without realising the weight of His death on the cross and the power of His resurrection you will never know what true love is for yourself.

Because everything from this world will leave you half hearted.

Your life may not change, the people you know may not change, your financial circumstances may not change, your direction in life may not change.

But your heart does.

And when your heart changes, when it's held afresh by the one who died to save it, everything changes because you live IN love, not for love.

You live in love, knowing that everything you do, think and say have a meaning a a purpose, YOU have a meaning and a purpose and your life has a meaning a a purpose.

And that is why I am proud to believe in Jesus.

Because I have come to know that my path of life isn't in my hands, it's in His, and the greater my surrender to the purpose He has for me, the more beautiful every moment of my life becomes, especially the hard times.

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This song, by Hillsong Worship is a version of the Apostles Creed which is a declaration of a belief in Jesus. It's a beautiful statement and it's what I want to leave you with today.

~ X ~

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