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Fifth Week of Lent ~ Wednesday

Updated: Feb 16, 2024

​Jesus was perfectly man and perfectly God. The hypostatic union it’s called. The nature of being divine and human.

This means that from conception, to death, to resurrection - He was fully God and yet he had to grow up as any other human did.

Jesus didn’t appear one day walking up and down the beaches of Galilee and being accepted and loved by all He met…. Jesus’ road to the cross wasn't simple, straightforward and easy. And that’s what we’ll read about today….

- Read Isaiah 53

In the New International Version

- Devotional Thought

​Jesus was a real baby who needed to learn to walk and to eat, to speak and to listen. He probably went to Torah school like any other Jewish boy. And He also would’ve followed in the steps of His earthly father, Joseph’s trade of stone masonry (Probably not carpentry as we so often are told!)

And when His public ministry began, it was a long road to the cross it was a road of opposition and refusal, abandonment and unbelief. He had no grandeur or support. He simply followed the voice of His Father in Heaven and obeyed what it said. He contradicted, He offended and yet He loved beyond what anyone had loved before.

If Jesus, the one whom we owe our lives because He gave His life for us, had a difficult road along life, then how could we ever expect to have it easy. How could we expect to not face opposition or unkindness, disbelief and disappointment from others.

But we know that nothing we receive from others can determine the effectiveness of our calling or deter us from our path in the Lord. We can take comfort in the tragedy of what Jesus walked through and know that we are not alone. He has gone before us. He has paved the way, the way that may be difficult, and yet He is preparing us each day to pick up ourselves and continue following Him.

​Jesus was a real baby who needed to learn to walk and to eat, to speak and to listen. He probably went to Torah school like any other Jewish boy. And He also would’ve followed in the steps of His eartly father, Joseph’s trade of stone masonry.

- Passage to focus on 

​“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭53‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

- Image for today 

When I read about 'crushing' like in the passage above, I think of waves in the sea. How they relentlessly crash again and again.

- Prayer 


We couldn’t comprehend the pain it took for your to release your Son into our world. For you to know the pain he would encounter, the transgressions and opposition and yet find the love for us all in Jesus’ arms spread out wide on the cross.

When we are facing difficulty next, help us know that we are not alone, there is NOTHING we come against that you have not defeated, teach us to trust you more and more each day, especially through the harder times.

- Active idea

​Think of today​'​s verse. About the sins and transgressions you have built in your life, the weakness and any disappointment. Remember that we were not designed to carry that amount of enemy armour. Using the attached colouring sheet, write down what does not belong to you and out on what does -and put on Jesus armour of worship for your life today and for ever​ ​more...

Thank you for joining me today! Hope to see you again soon!

Have a blessed Lent

~ X ~



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