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Fifth Week of Lent ~ Tuesday

Updated: Feb 16, 2024

​When Jesus gave of himself, He gave His all.

- Read Isaiah 52

In the New Living Translation

- Devotional Thought

​​How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! Not how beautiful are the feet of the perfect and accomplished, the one who succeeded and the one who has it together. But the one who brings good news!

I head the other day about the perspective of good news. It’s only good news if everyone is included. If it results in me getting out better than you do, it’s not really good news is it? But because the news of the messenger in this passage is for everyone - for the known and unknown, the rich and poor, the families and the lonely - no one is excluded by from receiving this good news.

And that is the news of the Lord becoming so low to man that he was not recognised, offering a sacrifice so great that rulers were speechless, extending the entrance of heaven so wide that it was not understood.

Sometimes, until you reach the depth of yourself and realise that you are not in fact as together as you once thoughts you were, you will not fathom the goodness of the news of Jesus Christ. Sometimes it takes us realising the captivity you are in, educating yourself to what the King has to offer add. And then leave the place where you sat captive, knowing that he goes before and beside you?

Why is it so important to realise the depth of the good news you are included in? Because it’s news for your life as well, perhaps there’s a freedom and a purpose waiting beyond where you once walked in complacency. We have the gift of reading again and again about the goodness of God….. how about we choose to believe that we are included in this story and that we’re not just the messengers - even if we are called to proclaim, we are also called to receive!

- Passage to focus on 

​“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! The watchmen shout and sing with joy, for before their very eyes they see the Lord returning to Jerusalem. Let the ruins of Jerusalem break into joyful song, for the Lord has comforted his people. He has redeemed Jerusalem. The Lord has demonstrated his holy power before the eyes of all the nations. All the ends of the earth will see the victory of our God. And he will startle many nations. Kings will stand speechless in his presence. For they will see what they had not been told; they will understand what they had not heard about.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭52‬:‭7‬-‭10‬, ‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

- Image for today 

When I think of beautiful feet ~ I think of dancers!

- Prayer 


May we learn from the ALL that Jesus gave, may we learn what it means to be the ones with the unashamedly beautiful feet and proclaim what you have done and the great love you have!

- Active idea

Find some time today to journal about what it means to YOU to be inclded in the good news of Jesus!

Thank you for joining me today! Hope to see you again soon!

Have a blessed Lent

~ X ~

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