Through your belief and your following on what Jesus has said, others will see Him and be led to believe Him.
Abraham had a great task and it was one that seemed like it could be the most dreadful thing to fulfil... How many times have we faced having to follow something the Lord has led us to which didn’t make sense and which appeared to be something we would come out of worse than when we began. But how many times do we also forget that our God is sovereign over all our life!
- Read Genesis 22
In the Amplified Version, if you can.
- Devotional Thought
Isaac was the promised son of Abraham. Not the one He disobeyed God to get but the very son that Sarah bore in her old age through miraculous intervention. It must have been the most confusing, heartbreaking and belittling decision to follow what the Lord was asking Abraham to do.
But did you know that this verse houses one of the first times that the word worship was used in the Bible as well as the word love.
Living a life for our God is dangerous in the fact that we are not tied to the things and ways of this world means we will have to give up things that make the most sense to hold onto.
But this passage lays a song of understanding, a layer of reminder and a joyful planting of hope.
Because it models exactly what the Lord was going to do for us with His son Jesus a number of years later. A sacrifice couldn’t be half hearted! You couldn’t only kill your offering halfway. Jesus had to go to the cross and go to the cross, there was no plan B, no easier option.
There’s no easy way to fulfil a sacrifice of praise. But take heart, because there is nothing more beautiful than a sacrifice of praise because it will make people turn and look to the one who gives us the strength
- Passage to focus on
“But the Angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said, “Abraham, Abraham!” He answered, “Here I am.” The Lord said, “Do not reach out [with the knife in] your hand against the boy, and do nothing to [harm] him; for now I know that you fear God [with reverence and profound respect], since you have not withheld from Me your son, your only son [of promise].””
Genesis 22:11-12 AMP
- Image for today
Walking in the kind of faith like Abraham had takes one step at a time!
- Prayer
May we learn to hear your voice and follow it with confidence. May we have the faith like Abraham to hear what you said and follow you! Through the ups and the downs, we know that your Word is the one we follow and that by following your voice we will grow closer to you.
- Active idea
What has God called you to recently that feels too difficult to fulfil? How can you trust Him today that will take you one step closer to obeying what He said.
Thank you for joining me today! Hope to see you again soon!
Have a blessed Lent
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