Are you confident in yourself? Are you sure of who you are and why you are here? I believe that so much of what steals our joy in our everyday life stems from the battle of not knowing our true identity. This ties into the battle of “what is my purpose?” and the loneliness epidemic.
I think the last two years have gone to prove that uncertainty is pretty much the most certain thing! But in the midst of that, millions of little miracles flood our daily life without us even seeing them. And we get sucked into believing that we’re not enough and hopelessness steals our joy.
We may even be so immune to it that we don’t even see it happening! Hopelessness seeps in slowly and if we’re not aware of it - we loose sight of the simple joy of life!
Let’s think about this…
I don’t know about you but the past couple years have shown me that I can’t rely on my dreams for the future, I can’t rely on my ability, I can’t rely on my schooling, I can’t rely on my own training, I can’t even rely on other people or the stability of a job…. There is so much in our lives that shifts and move, so many things which depend on other people or other things. And if we’re not living fully in the present moment with our eyes fixed on Jesus and not the ever changing circumstances…. We’ll fall into a downward spiral a worry spiral.
But the joy of the Goapel is knowing that we weren’t made to carry the weight of the uncertainty ourselves. We weren’t designed to sit in worry, we weren’t purposed to live in pain.
The Joy of knowing Jesus is that we can live in the present moment without fear. We can focus on the simple joy of the everyday life without pain. We can live fully ourselves without worrying what others will think or where I am going next.... because that's an exhausting place to live from.
(Matthew 11vs28~30 NIV)
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
It’s a struggle of identity because when you know who you are in Jesus - nothing else matters.
When you are confident in who He is and not in yourself, you can live fully without fear of the future because he guides you in everything.
When you have a Kingdom Mindset and truly believe that Jesus sits enthroned above it all, everything else falls into perspective.
This isn’t to belittle what you’re facing or condemn you for falling short of the simple joys….. this is simply to encourage you to remember that Jesus said He would be with us in the trials…. And wherever the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Freedom from fear
Freedom from pain
Freedom from comparison
Freedom from striving
(John 16vs33)
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
And freedom to live in everlasting worship overflow from the Joy of knowing who your King is and who you are to him!
~ X ~