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The art of saying Thank You

The number one commandment is one to keep the Lord first before all other gods. First and foremost, at the forefront of all you heart, soul and mind.

We live in a culture that prizes result, it prizes pursuit, it prizes the material, it prizes the awards, it prizes pay rise, it prizes the outcome... But we know that throughout scripture, the 'prize' our of lives is a life spent with the Lord. Worshipping Him, Praising Him, Loving Him, Serving Him...

We grow into that place of adoration of the King when we step into the space of realisising what He has done for us! When we view our entire life and see His hand of grace, His hand of kindness, His hand of provision, His hand of strength, His hand over all... the only response needed is a response of Thank you Lord!

"I can sing a billion songs

Dance till my feet are numb

Spin till I’m empty and poor

Can’t praise you enough."

In a world consumed by getting, we need to get out of the habit of showing up to receive... and remember that it is by Grace we have been saved because He first loved us. When we accept Jesus as King over our life, we receive the greatest gift we could ever need. And it is a gift that continues to pour out, if you allow it!

A life with Jesus is a life of pouring out to be filled up, to pour out to be filled up, to pour out to be filled up.

A life with Jesus is releasing my control to take up freedom, to release my control to take up freedom, to release my control to take up freedom.

A life with Jesus is lifting my hands in praise as the response, no matter what the situation is!

Our thanks is what brings us into the presence of the Lord....

(Psalm 100vs4 ESV) 
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!"  

Because it's by nothing we have done that we have breath in our lungs and life in our heart.

Never ever forget the simple art of thanking the creator of the universe for all that He has done for you!

(Ephesians 2vs8 ESV) 
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God."  

~ X ~

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